In The Name Of Allah

In The Name Of Allah

Senin, 30 Januari 2017

Arminareka Perdana Dumai Riau


Jika ANDA bergabung dengan mengambil Paket Kemitraan 40, ANDA dapat menjalankan usahanya dengan cara :

1. Melakukan Penjualan Paket Umrah dimana Calon Jamaah akan menggunakan Voucher DP Umrah yang ANDA miliki. Dalam hal ini ANDA akan menjalankan pola usaha yang konvensional. Jika ada yang mendaftar UMRAH melalui Perwakilan ANDA, maka ANDA bisa memberikan Voucher DP Umrah yang dimiliki, dimana Calon Jamaah akan membayar kepada ANDA sebesar Rp 3.500.000. Sehingga potensi penghasilan yang akan ANDA terima adalah :

Hasil Pembayaran DP Umrah : 40 x Rp 3.500.000 = Rp 140.000.000
Modal Paket DP Umrah : = Rp 44.250.000 -
Keuntungan : = Rp 95.750.000

Selanjutnya jika ingin usaha bisnis travel umrah akan terus dijalankan, maka ANDA harus mendaftar lagi dengan membeli Paket Kemitraan 40 dan tidak akan terjadi pertumbuhan jaringan karena Calon Jamaah yang ada hanya mendaftar untuk umrah saja atau tidak menjalankan hak usaha.

2. Melakukan Pendaftaran Calon Jamaah dan ditempatkan dalam Struktur Jaringan ANDA. Jika ada yang mendaftar UMRAH melalui perwakilan ANDA, maka ANDA cukup mendaftarkan setelah Calon Jamaah membayar DP Umrah sebesar Rp 3.500.000 ke rekening PT Arminareka Perdana.

Jika ANDA akan mendaftarkan dan menempatkan 40 Calon Jamaah dengan referensi langsung adalah titik hak usaha 1 dan referensi system di titik usaha 14 sampai dengan titik usaha 27, maka perhitungan hasil komisi dan bonus yang ANDA terima sebesar :

Komisi Pendaftaran : Rp 1.500.000 x 40 =Rp 60.000.000
Komisi Prestasi : Rp 500.000 x 39 =Rp 19.500.000
Komisi Pembinaan : Rp 1.000.000 x 38 =Rp 38.000.000 +
Total komisi yang diterima =Rp 117.500.000

Dari perhitungan diatas, menunjukan jika ANDA melakukan pendaftaran atas setiap Calon Jamaah maka jumlah dana yang diterima dari hasil pendaftaran berupa komisi dan bonus masih lebih besar dibanding ANDA menjalankan pola konvensional. Potensi pendapatan ini bisa terus bertambah karena masing-masing Calon Jamaah yang mendaftar menerima hak usaha.

Ingat ANDA masih tetap memiliki 40 Voucher yang bisa ANDA gunakan untuk Umrah. Bahkan dari hasil mendaftarkan 40 orang ini ANDA bisa mengumrahkan 2 orang tercinta,,,,MAU ????

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More Info About Umra and Hajj

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Cinta istimewa - Bertuah and friends

Cinta ini kita istimewakan untuk orang tua kita yang menjadi inspirasi tak bertepi untuk kita selalu bersyukur...
Cinta Istimewa - Bertuah Nasyid (Feat. Muslim &Lyaira)

Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Sinopsis Novel 99 Cahaya Dilangit Eropa - Ajarkan Islam tanpa kekerasan

Aku mengucek-ucek mata. Lukisan Bunda Maria dan Bayi Yesus itu terlihat biasa saja. Jika sedikit lagi saja hidungku menyentuh permukaan lukisan, alarm di Museum Louvre akan berdering-dering. Aku menyerah. Aku tidak bisa menemukan apa yang aneh pada lukisan itu. "Percaya atau tidak, pinggiran hijab Bunda Maria itu bertahtakan kalimat tauhid Laa Ilaaha Illallah, Hanum," ungkap Marion akhirnya.


Apa yang Anda bayangkan jika mendengar "Eropa"? Eiffel? Colosseum? San Siro? Atau Tembok Berlin?

Bagi saya, Eropa adalah sejuta misteri tentang sebuah peradaban yang sangat luhur, peradaban keyakinan saya, Islam.

Buku ini bercerita tentang perjalanan sebuah "pencarian". Pencarian 99 cahaya kesempurnaan yang pernah dipancarkan Islam di benua ini.

Dalam perjalanan itu saya bertemu dengan orang-orang yang mengajari saya, apa itu Islam rahmatan lil alamin. Perjalanan yang mempertemukan saya dengan para pahlawan Islam pada masa lalu. Perjalanan yang merengkuh dan mendamaikan kalbu dan keberadaan diri saya.

Pada akhirnya, di buku ini Anda akan menemukan bahwa Eropa tak sekadar Eiffel atau Colosseum. Lebih... sungguh lebih daripada itu.

Selasa, 18 September 2012

99 Cahaya Dilangit Eropa - Trailer

Perkembangan film Indonesia kian pesat. Salah satu film yang sedang diputar di bioskop adalah film 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa. Film dengan bintang utama Acha Septriasa dan Raline Shah itu bercerita tentang pengalaman sepasang mahasiswa Indonesia yang kuliah di Eropa.

Mereka tinggal di Jerman, beradaptasi, bertemu hingga bersahabat dengan banyak masyarakat belahan dunia. Sampai akhirnya membuka mata Acha Septriasa yang memerankan tokoh Hanum Salsabila kepada rahasia besar Islam di benua Eropa.

Diangkat dari novel laris karya Hanum Salsabiela Rais dan Rangga Almahendra, film ini mengambil lokasi di empat negara Vienna (Austria), Paris (Perancis), Cordoba (Spanyol) dan Istanbul (Turki).

Film dengan produser Yoen K, Ody Mulya Hidayat dan sutradara garapan Guntur Soeharjanto ini ditulis langsung oleh Alim Sudio, Hanum Salsabiela Rais, Rangga Almahendra. Dibintangi Acha Septriasa, Abimana Aryasatya, Raline Shah, Nino Fernandez, Dewi Sandra, Marissa Nasution, Alex.

Film tersebut mengajarkan bahwa agama Islam itu indah. Raline Shah yang berperan sebagai Fatma Pasha yang berdarah Turki mengajarkan bahwa orang yang mengolok-olok orang muslim tak perlu dibalas dengan kekerasan. Karena islam mengajarkan kedamaian.

Belum lagi nilai tangguh yang disampaikan Fatma Pasha saat ia berjuang bersama anak perempuannya yang juga mengenakan hijab melawan kankernya. Namun di akhir cerita, Fatma dan anaknya belum diketahui keberadaannya. Karena itu akan ada film lanjutan 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa II.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Software Akuntansi Laporan Keuangan Terbaik Nusantara

Software Akuntansi Laporan Keuangan Terbaik Nusantara berkhasiat dalam mensupport masa depan perusahaan yang cerah. Dengan dasar karakteristik software akuntansi memenuhi syarat perangkat lunak terbaik nusantara. Varian laporan keuangan dari yang umum sampai sesulitpun sanggup terselesaikan dengan catatan waktu fantastik. Latar belakang inilah yang menjadikan Software Akuntansi Laporan Keuangan Terbaik dinobatkan sebagai perangkat lunak paling produktif di nusantara. Tak berhenti sampai disana, kelebihan lain yang pantas mendapat tepukan meriah ialah low price. Bayangkan saja, hanya mengeluarkan uang senilai 900ribu s.d 15 Juta sudah bisa membawa pulang software akuntansi laporan keuangan terbaik nusantara berkaliber profesional itu. Harga yang jauh dari pasaran pada umumnya.

Hingga pada endingnya, penobatan untuk piranti lunak terbaik jatuh pada perusahaan zahir accounting sang pembuat Software Akuntansi Laporan Keuangan Terbaik Nusantara. Bagaimana pun kinerja software ini sungguh mengagumkan. Meluruskan manajemen keuangan, sebab salah satu tugas utama perangkat lunak ini bukan saja menciptakan pembukuan teratur tetapi lebih berperan sebagai Software Akuntansi untuk Manajemen Keuangan Lebih Baik. Sungguh sulit masuk diakal memang, transaksi keuangan yang begitu rumit sekalipun terselesaikan secara mudah. Alur dan logika begitu bagus dan sangat serasi untuk model perusahaan di nusantara. Sebab software akuntansi laporan keuangan terbaik dibentuk dan dirakit di bumi nusantara. Merekalah putra-putri nusantara yang memiliki ide brilian menggebrak penemuan teragung Software akuntansi laporan keuangan terbaik.

Atas alasan itulah, Zahir accounting selaku pemasok tunggal software akuntansi laporan keuangan terbaik langsung mencuat ke permukaan di kalangan pimpinan, akuntan dan pelaku bisnis perusahaan nusantara. Pendahuluan catatan zahir yang begitu bagus membuat pabrik pemasok software akuntansi itu lebih percaya diri mengeluarkan Software Akuntansi Penyusun Laporan Keuangan Terbaik versi revisi dan teraktual tanpa henti. Hal ini tentu menambah nilai jualnya, lebih penting Zahir Accounting menjadi pemegang hak cipta Software Akuntansi Laporan Keuangan Terbaik diseluruh nusantara

Selasa, 26 April 2011

10 Ways Psychology Can Improve Your Life

10 Ways Psychology Can Improve Your Life
By Mr Angga

Do you think that psychology is just for students, academics and therapists? Then think again. Because psychology is both an applied and a theoretical subject, it can be utilized in a number of ways. While research studies aren’t exactly light reading material for the average person, the results of these experiments and studies can have important applications in daily life. The following are some of the top 10 practical uses for psychology in everyday life.0 Ways Psychology Can Improve Your Life
1. Get Motivated
Whether your goal is to quit smoking, lose weight or learn a new language, some lessons from psychology offer tips for getting motivated. In order to increase your motivational levels when approaching a task, utilize some of the following tips derived from research in cognitive and educational psychology:
- introduce new or novel elements to keep your interest high.
- Vary the sequence to help stave off boredom.
- Learn new things that build on your existing knowledge.
- Set clear goals that are directly related to the task.
- Reward yourself for a job well done.

2. Improve Your Leadership Skills

It doesn’t matter if you’re an office manager or a volunteer at a local youth group, having good leadership skills will probably be essential at some point in your life. Not everyone is a born leader, but a few simple tips gleaned from psychological research can help your improve your leadership skills. One of the most famous studies on this topic looked at three distinct leadership styles. Based on the findings of this study and subsequent research, practice some of the following when you are in a leadership position:
- Offer clear guidance, but allow group members to voice opinions.
- Talk about possible solutions to probelms with members of the group.
- Focus on stimulating ideas and be willing to reward creativity.

3. Become a Better Communicator

Communication involves much more than how you speak or write. Research suggests that nonverbal signals make up a huge portion of our interpersonal communications. In order to communicate your message effectively, you need to learn how to express yourself nonverbally and to read the nonverbal cues of those around you. A few key strategies include the following:
- Use good eye contact.
- Start noticing nonverbal signals in others.
- Learn to use your tone of voice to reinforce your message.
4. Learn to Better Understand Others

Much like nonverbal communication, your ability to understand your emotions and the emotions of those around you plays an important role in your relationships and professional life. The term emotional intelligence refers to your ability to understand both your own emotions as well as those of other people. Your emotional intelligence quotient is a measure of this ability. According to psychologist Daniel Goleman, your EQ may actually be more important than your IQ (1995). What can you do to become more emotionally intelligent? Consider some of the following strategies:

Much like nonverbal communication, your ability to understand your emotions and the emotions of those around you plays an important role in your relationships and professional life. The term emotional intelligence refers to your ability to understand both your own emotions as well as those of other people. Your emotional intelligence quotient is a measure of this ability. According to psychologist Daniel Goleman, your EQ may actually be more important than your IQ (1995). What can you do to become more emotionally intelligent? Consider some of the following strategies:

- Carefully assess your own emotional reactions.
- Record your experience and emotions in a journal.
- Try to see situations from the perspective of another person.

5. Make More Accurate Decisions

Research in cognitive psychology has provided a wealth of information about decision making. By applying these strategies to your own life, you can learn to make wiser choices. The next time you need to make a big decision, try using some of the following techniques:
- Try using the “six thinking hats” approach by looking at the situation from multiple points of view, including rational, emotional, intuitive, creative, positive and negative perspectives.
- Consider the potential costs and benefits of a decision.
- Employ a grid analysis technique that gives a score for how a particular decision will satisfy specific requirements you may have.

6. Improve Your Memory

Have you ever wondered why you can remember exact details from childhood events yet forget the name of the new client you met yesterday? Research on how we form new memories as well as how and why we forget has led to a number of findings that can be applied directly in your daily life. What are some ways you can increase your memory power?
- Focus on the information.
- Rehearse what you have learned.
- Eliminate distractions.

7. Make Wiser Financial Decisions

Nobel Prize winning psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky conducted a series of studies that looked at how people manage uncertainty and risk when making decisions. Subsequent research in this area known as behavior economics has yielded some key findings that you can use to make wiser money management choices. One study (2004) found that workers could more than triple their savings by utilizing some of the following strategies:
- Don’t procrastinate! Start investing in savings now.
- Commit in advance to devote portions of your future earnings to your retirement savings.
- Try to be aware of personal biases that may lead to poor money choices.
8. Get Better Grades

The next time you’re tempted to complain about pop quizzes, midterms or final exams, consider this—research has demonstrated that taking tests actually helps you better remember what you’ve learned, even if it wasn’t covered on the test (Chan et al., 2006).Another study found that repeated test-taking may be a better memory aid than studying (Roediger & Karpicke, 2006). Students who were tested repeatedly were able to recall 61 percent of the material while those in the study group recalled only 40 percent. How can you apply these findings to your own life? When trying to learn new information, self-test frequently in order to cement what you have learned into your memory.
9. Become More Productive.

Sometimes it seems like there are thousands of books, blogs and magazine articles telling us how to get more done in a day, but how much of this advice is founded on actual research? For example, think about the number of times have you heard that multitasking can help you become more productive. In reality, research has found that trying to perform more than one task at the same time seriously impairs speed, accuracy and productivity. So what lessons from psychology can you use to increase your productivity? Consider some of the following:
- Avoid multitasking when working on complex or dangerous tasks.
- Focus on the task at hand.
- Eliminate distractions.
10. Be Healthier
Psychology can also be a useful tool for improving your overall health. From ways to encourage exercise and better nutrition to new treatments for depression, the field of health psychology offers a wealth of beneficial strategies that can help you to be healthier and happier. Some examples that you can apply directly to your own life:
- Studies have shown that both sunlight and artificial light can reduce the symptoms of seasonal
affective disorder.
- Research has demonstrated that exercise can be an effective treatment for depression as well as other mental disorders.
- Studies have found that helping people understand the risks of unhealthy behaviors can lead to healthier choices.

Top 10 Common Teaching Mistakes For Teachers To Avoid

Top 10 Common Teaching Mistakes For Teachers To Avoid
by ; Mr. Angga

1. Aiming To Be Buddies With Their Students
Inexperienced teachers often fall into the trap of wanting their students to like them above all else. However, if you do this, you are damaging your ability to control the classroom, which in turn compromises the children’s education.
This is the last thing you want to do, right?
Instead, focus on earning your students’ respect, admiration, and appreciation. Once you realize that your students will like you more when you are tough and fair with them, you’ll be on the right track.
2. Being Too Easy On Discipline
This mistake is a corollary to the last one. For various reasons, teachers often start out the year with a lax discipline plan or, even worse, no plan at all!
Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t let them see you smile until Christmas”? That may be extreme, but the sentiment is correct: start out tough because you can always relax your rules as time progresses if it is appropriate. But it is next to impossible to become more tough once you’ve shown your pliant side.
3. Not Setting Up Proper Organization From The Start
Until you’ve completed a full year of teaching, you are unable to comprehend how much paper accumulates in an elementary school classroom. Even after the first week of school, you’ll look around at the piles with astonishment! And all these papers must be dealt with… by YOU!
You can avoid some of these paper-induced headaches by setting up a sensible organization system from day one and, most importantly, using it every day! Labeled files, folders, and cubbies are your friend. Be disciplined and toss or sort all papers immediately.
Remember, a tidy desk contributes to a focused mind.
4. Minimizing Parental Communication and Involvement
At first, it can feel intimidating to deal with your students’ parents. You might be tempted to “fly under the radar” with them, in order to avoid confrontations and questions.
However with this approach, you are squandering a precious resource. The parents associated with your classroom can help make your job easier, by volunteering in your class or supporting behavior programs at home.
Communicate clearly with these parents from the start and you’ll have a band of allies to make your entire school year flow more smoothly.

5. Getting Involved In Campus Politics
This pitfall is an equal opportunity offender for both new and veteran teachers. Like all workplaces, the elementary school campus can be rife with squabbles, grudges, backstabbing, and vendettas.
It’s a slippery slope if you agree to listen to gossip because, before you know it, you’ll be taking sides and immersing yourself in between warring factions. The political fallout can be brutal.
Better to just keep your interactions friendly and neutral, while focusing intently on the work with your students. Avoid politics at all costs and your teaching career will thrive!
6. Remaining Isolated From The School Community
As an addendum to the previous warning, you’ll want to avoid campus politics, but not at the expense of being insulated and alone in the world of your classroom.
Attend social events, eat lunch in the staff room, say hello in the halls, help colleagues when you can, and reach out to the teachers around you.
You never know when you will need the support of your teaching team, and if you’ve been a hermit for months, it’s going to be more challenging for you to get what you need at that point.
7. Working Too Hard And Burning Out
It’s understandable why teaching has the highest turnover rate of any profession. Most people can’t hack it for long.
And if you keep burning the candles at both ends, the next teacher to quit might be you! Work smart, be effective, take care of your responsibilities, but go home at a decent hour. Enjoy time with your family and set aside time to relax and rejuvenate.
And here’s the most difficult advice to follow: don’t let classroom problems affect your emotional wellbeing and your ability to enjoy life away from school.
Make a real effort to be happy. Your students need a joyful teacher each day!
8. Not Asking For Help
Teachers can be a proud bunch. Our job requires superhuman skills, so we often strive to appear as superheroes who can handle any problem that comes our way.
But that simply can’t be the case. Don’t be afraid to appear vulnerable, admit mistakes, and ask your colleagues or administrators for assistance.
Look around your school and you will see centuries of teaching experience represented by your fellow teachers. More often than not, these professionals are generous with their time and advice.
Ask for help and you just might discover that you’re not as alone as you thought you were.
9. Being Overly Optimistic And Too Easily Crushed
This pitfall is one that new teachers should be especially careful to avoid. New teachers often join the profession because they are idealistic, optimistic, and ready to change the world! This is great because your students (and veteran teachers) need your fresh energy and innovative ideas.
But don’t venture into Pollyanna land. You’ll only end up frustrated and disappointed. Recognize that there will be tough days where you want to throw in the towel. There will be times when your best efforts aren’t enough.
Know that the tough times will pass, and they are a small price to pay for teaching’s joys.
10. Being Too Hard On Yourself
Teaching is hard enough without the additional challenge of mental anguish over slip-ups, mistakes, and imperfections.
Nobody’s perfect. Even the most decorated and experience teachers make poor decisions every so often.
Forgive yourself for the day’s blemishes, erase the slate, and gather your mental strength for the next time it’s needed.
Don’t be your own worst enemy. Practice the same compassion that you show your students by turning that understanding on yourself.